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You're viewing Sudden Strike 2 : Hidden Stroke 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Sudden Strike 2 : Hidden Stroke 2
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-08-02 09:07:47
Views : 25670

Easy first British campaign mission:
In the British campaign's first mission (in the desert), complete the first objective, which is to capture the village near your starting position. Then, beat back the Italian counterattack and wait for reinforcements. Next, select six to eight medium tanks(Crusders and/or Grants) and order them to a position slightly lower than the leftmost corner of the map (there are mines). You should encounter some Italian trucks, tanks and a Horch limo. After destroying them, wait for possible Italian reinforcements in that area. If they do not appear, order the remaining tanks to advance to the airfield nearby, which could be seen in the fog of war. Destroy all enemy units there and a message should appear telling you that the mission has been completed.

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